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Deep-sea microorganism research has become a hot topic in life science, owing to its special value in high pressure and low temperature environment. If not kept the in-situ low temperature and high pressure, it will cause the microorganism to lose its activity and lead to a waste of resources. A freeze-sediments valve presents a promising solution to maintain the low temperature and high pressure in situ, improve the success rate of sampling and shorten the sampling time. A series of experiments were conducted to characterize the freeze-sediments valve, including the sampling time without leakage, adaptation to different sediments and the effect of the length, etc. Most important of all, temperature change of sediments is observed in all experiments. Experimental results indicated that the freeze-sediments valve was formed in 5 min without leakage and the freeze-sediments valve could be applied to different sediments without limitations on sediments type and mineral content. Considering the pressure retaining capacity and formation time of freeze-sediments valve, it was found that the freeze-sediments valve with a length of 60–80 mm has good pressure retaining capacity whose value was 41.3–48.4 Mpa and short formation time which was 5 min. Precooling the sampler could be used to shorten the sampling time in the actual environment application. This sampling technique can play a vital role in maintaining in-situ low temperature at −2 to −4 ° Celsius in all the experiments. According to the tests, the sampling technique based on the freeze-sediments valve had the potential to solve the problem of keeping in-situ temperature, low sampling success rate and long sampling time in the future.  相似文献   
为提高混凝土剪力墙受弯性能计算的准确度,开展强震下混凝土剪力墙受弯性能试验研究。选取1个混凝土剪力墙对比试件和3个测试试件作为研究对象,对试件施加垂直荷载和水平荷载,模拟强烈地震作用力。试验前期准备工作完成后,建立分离式有限元模型,通过计算混凝土在受压和受拉状态下的损伤弹塑性刚度,完成对有限元模型中混凝土塑性损伤分析,在此基础上,计算混凝土剪力墙受弯承载力。利用有限元模型对3个测试试件进行模拟试验,结果表明,强烈地震后3个试件的荷载-位移曲线均与实际位移值接近,且混凝土剪力墙受弯承载力试验结果与实际值的误差在2%以内,表明试验研究方法具有一定的可行性,数值模拟结果较为准确。  相似文献   
桩基础在水平荷载或地震作用下的承载力计算一直是工程界的一个研究难点,近年来随着建筑、桥梁桩基础的规模大幅增加,基于小规模、小比例尺群桩基础水平承载力试验得出来的结论和计算方法可能会不适应新的计算要求,相关的认识和计算方法需要重新论证和更新。本文针对大规模群桩基础水平承载力效应系数的计算问题,首先对国内外研究进展进行调研,发现现有的规范计算方法可能会高估群桩基础的水平承载力。针对这些问题,对大规模群桩基础的水平承载力效应系数进行有限元数值计算分析,探讨水平承载力效应系数的规律,给出相应的计算方法,并与规范计算方法结果进行对比。本文的研究结果可为相应的工程设计问题提供依据,结果的适用性需要今后进一步的检验。  相似文献   
城市扩张是城镇化的主要特征,研究城市扩张规律对城市空间规划、高质量发展提供决策依据。本文以武汉市为研究区,以2015—2018年地理国情监测成果为主要数据源,通过数据整理与提取、计算城市扩张特征指数、提取城市格局变化、计算生态景观指数等处理,对研究区城市扩张和生态格局变化特征进行分析。研究结果表明:2015—2018年间,武汉市从快速扩张阶段逐渐减缓,紧凑度逐渐下降;中心城市扩张主要以种植土地破坏为代价;远城区快速扩张主要以林草面积减少为代价;在生态指数上,各生态景观类型破碎度均有下降,但水域面积保持良好。  相似文献   
资源环境承载能力评价是进行国土空间规划和用途管控的基础性工作,越来越受到国家重视。在资源环境承载能力研究实践中,以自然资源环境系统及其与社会经济系统的关系为主要研究对象,创新性提出了"资源环境承载协调理论",并基于此理论初步建立了不同空间尺度的地质资源环境承载能力评价技术方法,构建了地质环境、地下水资源、矿产资源等不同资源环境要素的承载能力评价指标体系,包括承载本底评价指标和承载状态评价指标。规范了不同尺度的资源与环境承载能力评价流程,为有序推动全国、区域及市县尺度的自然单元和行政单元的地质资源环境承载能力评价工作提供了强有力的。  相似文献   
2020年7月12日,河北唐山发生MS5.1地震,河北省地震预警系统成功地处理并产出了这次地震预警各种结果数据,本文借助此次地震对河北地震预警网内震中距200km范围内台站产出质量以及地震预警前5次处理结果进行详细分析。此次地震发生在河北地震预警网内,平均台间距为10km,首台触发后3s、震后6s发布首次处理结果,与编目结果相比,震级偏差为-1.3,震中位置偏差为2.6km,盲区半径为18km。随着参与定位台站数量增多,震级与位置偏差越来越小,但震级仍整体偏小。河北地震预警网台站产出质量整体较高,其中烈度台作为地震预警最重要的组成部分,是决定预警效果的关键因素。本次地震震中距200km范围内,烈度台平均信噪比为48,震中距50km范围内平均信噪比为112,符合预警系统对信噪比的要求。本次地震预警结果表明,河北地震预警网内台站布局基本合理,波形质量较高,地震预警系统处理软件在本次地震中预警产出效果较好,已经具备了一定的地震预警能力。  相似文献   
高压喷射注浆于1968年首创于日本。我国于20世纪70年代初相继引进并开始研究高压喷射注浆技术。目前,高压旋喷工艺应用最为广泛,工艺技术最为成熟。对旋喷桩成桩质量及单桩承载力进行研究分析,为旋喷桩在地基与基础工程、水利水电工程、止水、加固工程中的应用提供设计参考依据。该试验在陕西省延安市某建成小区内选三个试验点,按不同旋喷桩施工工艺成桩,通过对桩身完整性检测、单桩承载力试验,分析旋喷桩成桩质量及单桩承载力。  相似文献   
The undrained bearing capacity of shallow circular piles in non-homogeneous and anisotropic clay is investigated by the lower bound (LB) finite element limit analysis (FELA) under two-dimensional (2D) axisymmetric condition using second-order cone programming, and the new solution of the problem is presented. Modified from the isotropic von Mises yield criterion, a cross-anisotropic undrained strength criterion of clays under the axisymmetric state of stress requiring three input shear strengths in triaxial compression, direct simple shear, and triaxial extension is employed in the 2D axisymmetric LB FELA. Parametric studies on the effects of pile embedment ratio, dimensionless strength gradient, anisotropic strength ratio, and pile roughness are investigated extensively, while the predicted failure mechanisms associated with these parameters are discussed and compared. Numerical results of undrained end bearing capacity of shallow circular piles are summarized in the form of design tables that are useful for design practice and represent a new contribution to the field of pile capacity considering the combined effects of undrained strength non-homogeneity and anisotropy.  相似文献   

Based on a new elasto-plastic constitutive model, this paper presents a soil–water coupled numerical prediction of the bearing capacity for shallow foundation constructed on Ballina soft clay for unconsolidated undrained (UU) and consolidated undrained (CU) conditions. This elasto-plastic constitutive Shanghai model has an advantage of describing the mechanical behaviour of over-consolidated and structured soil under different loading and drainage conditions, by using one set of material parameter. In this paper, the Shanghai model used for both UU and CU conditions has the same initial parameters obtained from laboratory test results. The loading conditions and consolidation stages vary based on construction details. The predicted bearing pressure-settlement responses for UU and CU, approves the field observation. The phenomenon of gaining the bearing capacity due to consolidation is captured and explained by the use of soil–water coupled numerical analysis with a new elasto-plastic model. The stress strain behaviour, stress paths and the decay of the structure of elements at different depths presented in this study, reveal the mechanism for the difference between UU and CU conditions to understand the foundation behaviour. Effect of the initial degree of soil structure on the bearing capacity is also addressed. Overall, this approach provides the integrated solution for the shallow foundation design problems under short and long-term loadings.  相似文献   
圆柱形支撑大跨度建筑结构强震冲击分析模型仿真   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
圆柱形支撑大跨度建筑稳定性较差,不能在强震冲击下保持稳定的结构状态。为解决此问题,设计圆柱形支撑大跨度建筑结构强震下冲击分析仿真模型,通过圆柱分析法则的确定、有限元支撑模拟分析与监测、圆柱形支撑体系承载能力分析以完成模型的仿真分析与监测。基于此对大跨度建筑结构强震冲击进行静力分析,调整强震冲击下模型的结构,完成模型的搭建。模拟强震冲击环境,设计对比实验结果表明,应用圆柱形支撑大跨度建筑结构强震下冲击分析仿真模型,可明确圆柱形支撑大跨度建筑薄弱点,发现稳定性较差建筑结构单元,达到提升圆柱形支撑大跨度建筑在强震冲击下稳定性的目的。  相似文献   
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